By Davy V.
We've all heard the saying, "A dog is a man's best friend."
That is so true.
A dog is also a woman's best friend, as well as a child's.
Have you ever noticed that your dog, unlike people, loves you unconditionally?
In fact, many times your dog is more happy to see you when you come home than your own family is.
Your dog is not materialistic.
Your dog doesn't judge you.
Your dog doesn't talk behind your back.
Your dog doesn't betray you.
Your dog doesn't care if you are well off, or dirt poor.
Your dog loves you for you.
And that love is unconditional.
With that love comes loyalty.
A level of loyalty often unmatched by any other human being.
Your dog will protect you and your family, and always stay by your side.
That's exactly what a female Pit Bull named Star did on 14th Street and 2nd Avenue in the Bronx Monday afternoon when her owner, a man described by many as homeless and a regular in the area, was passed out on the street.
And like any loyal friend, this dog stood by her owner's side, protecting him.
According to the NYPD, the dog who was barking (as dogs do), "lunged" at officers who had responded to the scene for the man passed out.
At that point an NYPD cop shot the dog.
The NYPD, then left this innocent dog, convulsing and suffering in the middle of a crowded intersection.
Eddie Huang, a well known chef and owner of BaoHaus restaurant, tweeted a photo of the imcident with the message, "Pigs shot a dog and let it die slow."
Huang explained: "We heard the gunshot, and we all ducked, and saw people running and screaming. All of the sudden, our chef Mitch ran towards the gunshot. He was like Yo, it’s that dog in front of KFC—because there’s always this dog in front of KFC—and by the time I get there, I can see the dog whipping around and convulsing."
Apparently, onlookers yelled at police to put the dog, "wiggling and flaying, blood coming out of its mouth," out of its misery.
Huand added, "You can see in the photo, the trail of blood. The dog traveled. People were really really vocal, harassing the cops to put the dog down, and they wouldn’t do it. The whole thing just seemed really, really unnecessary. I don’t know what the protocol is for this, I know they have to keep the peace, but it really seemed like an abuse of power, an unnecessary one, and not doing it the right way. They really should’ve put that dog out of its misery. We’ve all seen Old Yeller. We all know the right way to do this."
NYPD cops ignored onlookers' pleas, and left the dog to suffer in the middle of the street, bleeding.
Another witness said, "There was a little boy closer to the scene with his dad, and he started bawling. It was just very shocking to see an animal killed—as the owner of a shelter animal myself, it was just so sad."
This is the second time in the last three days that the NYPD has opened fire in a busy Manhattan intersection.
Just this past Saturday, NYPD cops shot 12 rounds at 51 year old Darius Kennedy, who was holding a knife, in busy Times Square.
Kennedy, who obviously had some mental health issues, later died of his injuries at Bellevue Hospital.
Not only is the NYPD's cold blooded shooting of an innocent dog who was protecting her owner, the second NYPD shooting in broad daylight in the last three days, but it's also the second time in the past three days that the NYPD has used the word "lunged" to justify their trigger happy, corrupt, rogue thug officers' actions.
With Saturday's Times Square shooting, the NYPD unnecessarily put innocent people's lives at risk by shooting 12 rounds in one of New York City's most busiest intersections.
The NYPD had other non-lethal measures available to them, including tasers, rubbber bullets, etc. Instead they chose to recklessly fire 12 rounds, and as a result reminded us that many times police don't shoot because they have to shoot, they shoot because they want to shoot!
In fact, at least one of those 12 rounds was later found embedded in a doorway of a nearby building, proving that any one of those 12 rounds could have easily seriously injured or killed an innocent person.
Once again, the NYPD has shown that they are out of control.
This time, a disgusting and senseless act of violence and inhumanity, shooting an innocent dog who was simply protecting her owner.
While reports at first were that the dog had died, sources are now reporting that the dog is alive but in serious condition at an animal hospital in East Harlem.
My prayers are with you Star.
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For the past 15 years I have dedicated myself and my passion to exposing police misconduct and corruption. Whether it's exposing injustices such as police executing a mentally ill person, or police coming to someone's home and shooting their innocent family dog, I am always working to put these stories out there, which usually are ignored by mainstream media.
People always ask me how they can help me? Well, as a father of three young children, my income is limited, and the best way to help is with contributions. If you like what I am doing as a writer and activist exposing police misconduct and corruption, then please consider donating.
Whether it's $ 1 dollar or $ 5 dollars - it helps with gas, setting up Rallies and Protests denouncing these injustices, etc. I could also use a better video camera, and a laptop computer to be able to work when I'm not home and be able to post and upload articles, photos and videos when I'm out on the streets, so if you believe in my work, please support me.
Please Support My Work by clicking on the "Donate" button at the top right of my blog and entering your donation. (All donations are secure and are through PayPal.)
Thank you.
Please support my work by clicking on the "Donate" button at the top right of my blog and entering your donation. (All donations are secure and are through PayPal.)
For the past 15 years I have dedicated myself and my passion to exposing police misconduct and corruption. Whether it's exposing injustices such as police executing a mentally ill person, or police coming to someone's home and shooting their innocent family dog, I am always working to put these stories out there, which usually are ignored by mainstream media.
People always ask me how they can help me? Well, as a father of three young children, my income is limited, and the best way to help is with contributions. If you like what I am doing as a writer and activist exposing police misconduct and corruption, then please consider donating.
Whether it's $ 1 dollar or $ 5 dollars - it helps with gas, setting up Rallies and Protests denouncing these injustices, etc. I could also use a better video camera, and a laptop computer to be able to work when I'm not home and be able to post and upload articles, photos and videos when I'm out on the streets, so if you believe in my work, please support me.
Please Support My Work by clicking on the "Donate" button at the top right of my blog and entering your donation. (All donations are secure and are through PayPal.)
Thank you.