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Rochester's Corporate-America Run Mainstream Media Once again in Bed with City Officials! |
By Davy V.
In 2011, speaking before a packed Rochester, NY City Council meeting on the 50-plus year call for a true, independent Civilian Review Board (CRB), with subpoena powers to oversee and investigate incidents of police misconduct and corruption, on behalf of the Rochester, NY Police department, then Rochester City Council President Lovely Warren, ordered my microphone shut off.
Of course, with the exception of a few other folks, no one really cared, and the incident was soon forgotten about.
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Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren |
This time she didn't shut anyone's microphone off.
Instead, she simply ignored Rochester News 8 reporter Rachel Barnhart who attended the press conference.
According to Barnhart, through tweets she herself posted on her twitter account, mayor Lovely Warren's spokesperson, Christine Christopher, was upset with Barnhart for posing questions on twitter regarding the Mayor's uncle being stopped for speeding, as well as questioning Warren hiring him.
And, apparently, from reading Rachel Barnhart's tweets, Christopher made it clear to Barnhart, that she had pissed the mayor off.
In the tweet below, Barnhart points out a disturbing comment from Warren's spokeswoman, which seems to show the mayor has a problem with being transparent with the taxpayers, many of whom elected her into office.

As you can see in the tweet, Christine Christopher was upset that a reporter would ask a question on social media, and told Barhnart that she should have asked Warren's administration first, before posting on social media.
"What happens behind closed doors stays behind close doors"?
Then, as the press conference began, it just got worse.
It became clear that Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren was completely ignoring Rachel Barnhart.
In one tweet Rachel Barnhart writes, "Warren won't take my questions, only other reporters. (Who have same questions, btw)"
At one point, Rachel Barnhart told Lovely Warren, "Your spokesperson said I could ask questions."
To which Lovely Warren replied, "I am the mayor."
A clearly frustrated Barnhart then took to twitter to express her frustration, firing off tweet after tweet.
At one point, Rachel Barnhart told Lovely Warren, "Your spokesperson said I could ask questions."
To which Lovely Warren replied, "I am the mayor."
A clearly frustrated Barnhart then took to twitter to express her frustration, firing off tweet after tweet.
Now clearly, Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren is not happy that her train wreck since taking office just 9 days ago, WOW! JUST 9 DAYS!, is all over the internet, but to selectively target someone like she did Rachel Barhart, and ignore them, because she's upset, is more than immature, it's irresponsible, and unprofessional.
After all, Rachel Barnhart certainly had plenty of time to tweet, since Lovely Warren was not taking any of her questions!
Rachel Barnhart, look at it this way, at least Lovely Warren didn't order your microphone shut off like she did to me.
She just ignored you.
Wait, now that I think about it, that's actually worse.
Rochester, NY City Council Calls for Ethics Investigation, Adam McFadden Exposed!, and Uncle Reggie's 'Above the Law' Behavior Continues!
Rachel Barnhart's tweets:
Rochester, NY City Council Calls for Ethics Investigation, Adam McFadden Exposed!, and Uncle Reggie's 'Above the Law' Behavior Continues!
Rachel Barnhart's tweets:
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Rachel Barnhart refers to Lovely Warren's spokeswoman, Christine Christopher. |
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Rachel Barnhart, again, refers to Lovely Warren spokeswoman. |
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Rachel Barnart's frustration at Lovely Warren ignoring her. |
Rochester, NY City Council to Conduct Ethics Investigation, City Councilman Adam McFadden Exposed, and Lovely Warren's Uncle Reggie 'Above the Law' Behavior Continues!
By Davy V.
Facing mounting pressure and criticism over mayor Lovely Warren's hiring of not one, but two bodyguard/personal chauffeurs, including her uncle Reggie Hill, Rochester, NY City Council has finally decided to conduct an ethics investigation.
Facing mounting pressure and criticism over mayor Lovely Warren's hiring of not one, but two bodyguard/personal chauffeurs, including her uncle Reggie Hill, Rochester, NY City Council has finally decided to conduct an ethics investigation.
But there's just one problem.
The City's Board of Ethics, which will be conducting that investigation, is missing three members.
A writer for Saturday Night Live would not be able to write this stuff!
According to City officials, the Board currently has two empty seats, and a member whose term has expired.
Which means that nothing will happen until those three vacancies are filled.
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'Hot Seat' Lovely Warren answers questions. |
Brown, an attorney, like Warren, has chosen to retain an interest in his private law firm, which could be a conflict of interest.
So what will happen with all this?
Well, here's something I found which is interesting.
Sort of a look into what at least one Rochester City council member is saying about questions surrounding Lovely Warren's decisions.
Adam McFadden, who is the chair of the public safety has taken to twitter in support of mayor Lovely Warren.
McFadden has posted several messages on social media, including his twitter account where he expresses what the Lovely Warren administration has said, in defending her need to armed bodyguards.
Of course, no one in Warren's administration, including Lovely Warren herself have provided specific details of any threats.
In one of Adam McFadden's tweets to News 8 reporter Rachel Barnhart, he writes, "what's sad about this, not one mayor before her has had to deal with threats & visceral comments from cowards"

In another tweet Adam McFadden writes "There is a difference between someone calling you names in a post or blog, and a real threat on your life or your family's life"

McFadden's vague tweets offer no specific details about any alleged threats mayor Lovely Warren says she has received, details which taxpayers should know if the mayor's obvious goal has been, and continues to be to justify the creation of two positions, totaling over $140,000 which they, the taxpayers will pay for.
Adam McFadden then fired off the following tweets, including one (below) where he refers to Mayor Lovely Warren as a "prophet", quoting the late, great legend Bob Marley.
(It should be noted that Adam McFadden is part of the Rochester, NY City Council "calling for an ethics investigation" into Lovely Warren's actions.)

And, McFadden's tweets in support of Lovely Warren begs the question, how many other Rochester council members, from the same council who is calling for the investigation, support Warren?
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Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren's SUV, illegally parked, blocking a fire hydrant, in front of City Hall. |
Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren and her Administration Refuse to Answer Simple Question:
Was Mayor Lovely Warren's SUV Pulled Over Twice by New York State Troopers, Once for Driving 92, and Once for Driving 97 Miles Per Hour?
By Davy V.
On Wednesday morning, Rochester, NY radio show host Bob Lonsberry said that sources "at the highest levels of the New York State Police" had stated that Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren's SUV, being driven by her uncle/bodyguard/chauffeur Reggie Hill was pulled over by NYS Troopers not once, but twice, last Wednesday, on their way back from Governor Andrew Cuomo's State of the State address in Albany, NY.
Once for driving 92 miles per hour, and the second time for driving 97 miles per hour.
On Monday, Lovely Warren and her spokeswoman, Christine Christopher acknowledged that the Mayor's SUV was pulled over once.
They never mentioned there were two traffic stops.
Appearing on a local Rochester, NY radio show Wednesday morning, Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren said she just wants to get back to business.
"I'm done with the thruway issue, and the security detail," said Warren.
"All the information has been submitted to the President of City Council and forwarded for review."
Lovely Warren was referring to Rochester, NY City Council President Loretta Scott, and an ethics investigation into Warren's actions, including the hiring of her uncle Reggie Hill.
But that investigation won't even begin until three members of the Ethics Board are replaced.
Meanwhile, Lovely Warren and her administration has refused to answer a simple question.
Was her SUV pulled over twice by New York State Troopers for speeding?
Rochester, NY News 8 Reporter Rachel Barnart Caves In and Poses for Photo with Lovely Warren, Just 2 Days after her Twitter Rant!
By Davy V.
Just 2 days after she went on a Twitter rant, when Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren ignored her at a press conference, News 8 reporter Rachel Barnhart caved in and once again took to Twitter to post a photo of her and Lovely Warren with the caption: "We've moved. We had a great talk about media and government. She knows my job.I know her job. We look forward to working together. We both love the city!"
This comes just hours after Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren refused to answer if in fact her SUV, driven by her uncle Reggie Hill, was pulled over twice by New York State Police last Wednesday.
Gotta Love it...
Rochester's Corporate-America Run Mainstream News Media Once again in Bed with City Officials!
Gotta Love it...
Rochester's Corporate-America Run Mainstream News Media Once again in Bed with City Officials!
Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren LIED.
By Davy V.
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THE LIAR Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren |
Last Monday, during a press conference following reports that Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren's uncle/personal bodyguard/chauffeur Reggie Hill was pulled over by New York State Police on Wednesday January 8th on the New York State thruway for driving 97 miles per hour, Mayor Lovely Warren LIED.
When asked by reporters if her SUV had been pulled over on the way to New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's State of the State address in Albany, Lovely Warren said no, they were stopped on the way back, after Governor Cuomo's address.
Lovely Warren LIED.
Yesterday, following days of Lovely Warren and her administration refusing to answer a simple question: Was her SUV stopped twice for speeding?, in a planned public relations spin control attempt, Lovely Warren's administration released a letter they say was written by Warren's uncle, Reggie Hill to Deputy Rochester, NY Mayor Leonard Redon, where Hill admits that he was pulled over twice for speeding by New York State Police.
Hill also admits to turning on a "No Turn on Red" sign a violation he says he will pay a $50 fine for.
In Hill's letter, dated January 16, 2014, he apologizes for his judgement, then immediately tries to justify his actions by blaming his career as a former New York State Police investigator, saying that as part of his career, which includes working security for three New York State Governors, it was common practice to drive at high speeds.
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ALL LAUGHS Reggie Hill |
Hill, who has been suspended for one week without pay, then goes on to admit that he was pulled over twice by New York State Police, once while en route to Albany, and once on the drive back.
"On my way to the State of the State address last week, the vehicle I was driving was pulled over by a State trooper.", Reggie Hill writes.
Monday, at the press conference, in her office, Lovely Warren didn't say anything about her SUV bring pulled over twice.
In fact, when asked if her SUV had been pulled over on Lovely Warren said it was on the way to Albany, or on the way back to Rochester, Lovely Warren replied, "coming back."
Lovely Warren then told reporters that the traffic stop had occurred on the other side of Syracuse.
Lovely Warren LIED.
Lovely Warren NEVER said anything about being stopped on the way to Albany.
Again, Lovely Warren LIED.
Then, in another disgusting, disturbing move by Lovely Warren's administration, they release Reggie Hill's 'alleged' letter, on a day where Rochester's news focus was on a house on Rowley Street, where Matthew Straton's body was dug up from the home's backyard.
I assure you the timing of the letter's release, in an obvious attempt to be done with this, was NO coincidence.
Lovely Warren's administration know exactly what they are doing.
They want Rochester taxpayers to forget that Lovely Warren LIED.
Reggie Hills letter:
"Per our meeting, I would like to say first and foremost, that I want to apologize to the citizens of Rochester, the New York State Police, Rochester City Council, the staff of City Hall and all concerned parties regarding my lack of judgment. I have been a New York State police officer for more than 30 years, and a member of the security detail for three previous Governors of New York -- and as such became accustomed to certain practices. Since retiring from the New York State Police and accepting a temporary appointment as Director of Executive Services for Mayor Lovely Warren, I have learned a great deal and am clear that many previous practices that I carried over from my State Police days do not apply.
On my way to the State of the State address last week, the vehicle I was driving was pulled over by a state trooper. As a member of the Governor’s security detail, it had been our practice to travel at a rate above the prevailing speed of other travels for security reasons. When I identified myself as driving a security detail, the trooper responded as I expected he would, based on my past experience. On the return trip, the vehicle was stopped for a second time. Again, I explained that I was driving a security detail – but this time the trooper verbally reprimanded me and told me to abide by the speed limit, and I complied. When asked, in response to an inquiry by the Albany Times-Union if I had been stopped on the NYS Thruway, I responded simply and truthfully: yes.
I take full responsibility for this occurrence and regret any embarrassment that it has caused to Mayor Warren. For weeks I have carefully monitored threats coming from many directions as have been reported in recent days. As also discussed, in light of new issues being raised on social media, I confirm that I purchased a child safety seat for the vehicle with my personal funds (receipt available) since Mayor Warren’s daughter, Taylor, accompanies her to community and other events from time to time – most recently to the YWCA for Governor Cuomo’s holiday visit.
As a member of Mayor Warren’s security detail, I am very clear that I must abide by all the rules and regulations as everyone else does. Per our meeting, I acknowledge a disciplinary action of a week’s suspension without pay (January 19-January 24) and a $50 fine payable to the City’s general fund for turning right on red without coming to a complete stop. Again, I apologize for my actions and the subsequent disruption to City Hall business. "
I take full responsibility for this occurrence and regret any embarrassment that it has caused to Mayor Warren. For weeks I have carefully monitored threats coming from many directions as have been reported in recent days. As also discussed, in light of new issues being raised on social media, I confirm that I purchased a child safety seat for the vehicle with my personal funds (receipt available) since Mayor Warren’s daughter, Taylor, accompanies her to community and other events from time to time – most recently to the YWCA for Governor Cuomo’s holiday visit.
As a member of Mayor Warren’s security detail, I am very clear that I must abide by all the rules and regulations as everyone else does. Per our meeting, I acknowledge a disciplinary action of a week’s suspension without pay (January 19-January 24) and a $50 fine payable to the City’s general fund for turning right on red without coming to a complete stop. Again, I apologize for my actions and the subsequent disruption to City Hall business. "
Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren's Administration Used Well Known 'Friday News Dump' to Announce her Uncle, Reggie Hill's Resignation as her Personal Bodyguard/Chauffeur
By Davy V.
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ALL LAUGHS Reggie Hill has resigned. |
Just when I thought the Lovely Warren scandal over the hiring of her uncle, Reggie Hill as the head of her two man bodyguard/personal chauffeur team, and the fact that she lied about how many times the SUV she was in was stopped by New York State troopers, to and from the State Capital recently, was over, comes yet something else.
In what is commonly known in the media as a 'Friday News Dump'[, the releasing of negative news stories, documents, etc., on a Friday afternoon, or early evening in an attempt to try and avoid news media scrutiny, Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren, and her administration did just that in announcing Reggie Hill's resignation.
Notice of Hill's resignation went out to Rochester's corporate-America run mainstream news media went out around 4:45 p.m. Friday, 15 minutes before the office lights start going off, and most people
go home for the weekend.
Hill cited the reason for his resignation as a distraction from the work that Lovely Waren needs to focus on as mayor.
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THE LIAR Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren |
Instead, her spokeswoman, Christine Christopher, who has done a horrible job at PR, was very curt when local news reporter Amanda Ciavarri went to Rochester City Hall seeking comment.
Christopher told Ciavarri that Lovely Warren still supports her decision in hiring her uncle, and has no regrets.
When Ciavarri asked about the fact that Rochester Mayor Lovely Warren lied about the number of stops, a very rude, and curt Christopher replied, "That is not something I'm going to talk about today. I am here to talk about Mr. Hill's resignation."
And then News 10NBC reporter Amanda Ciavarri asked Warren's spokeswoman what is perhaps one of of the best, most blunt questions I have ever seen a mainstream local news media reporter ask.
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NO TRANSPENCY HERE. Christine Christopher, Lovely Warren's spokeswoman, refuses to answer questions. |
"I think that everything that needs to be known about that incident has come out and that is all we are going to say on it," answered Lovely Warren's spokeswoman.
And there you have it Rochester, NY taxpayers... Your hard earned tax dollars at work.
Follow me on twitter
I will be updating this soon.
Click link below to read my original piece on Rochester, NY mayor Lovely Warren's hiring of her uncle
Click link below to read my piece on Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren's SUV being pulled over by NYS Police doing 97 miles per hour!