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Luck and Lucky |
New York State Trooper Joel Coisineau seemed more interested in running a background check on me from his taxpayer funded New York State Police Chevy Tahoe's onboard computer, than assist me with traffic while I tried to save several ducklings after their mother was run over.
Monday evening, around 8:00 p.m., I was driving with my sons on Route 104 East, near North Ponds Park in Webster, New York, when I saw a family of ducklings trying to cross the busy roadway, after their mother was run over.
I then noticed that while two of the ducklings made it to a tall, grassy embankment, one little duckling was laying on it's back, on the middle of the highway, flapping its legs.
I immediately slowed down, turned my four way flashers on, and made sure there no cars directly behind me, then I stopped my vehicle.
I ran to the duckling, while a couple of other motorists also slowed down, and put their flashers on.
I grabbed the duckling, and checked for any obvious, visible injuries.
The duckling seemed ok, except for a possible broken leg, but I thought very lucky, considering how busy Route 104 is, and the fact that its mother was run over, in front of her ducklings.
I placed the duckling in a box that I had in my car, pulled off the exit, and parked in a safe area, away from traffic.
Knowing there were at least 2 other ducklings who scurried off the roadway, and into the grassy area, I left my sons to care for the duckling, and I ran up the steep embankment, to try to rescue the other ducklings.
With night soon approaching, I knew I had to move fast and find the ducklings.
As I carefully tread through the tall grass and weeds, I could hear the distinctive chirps of the ducklings but couldn't see them.
After about 20 minutes of searching, I found one of the ducklings, as it briefly came out of the grass, and onto the side of the road, near a guardrail.
As vehicles, including several 18-wheelers flew by past me, I was able to quickly grab the duckling.
Seeing that it was getting darker, and knowing I had only a small window of time to find the last duckling, and at the same time get the two that I found, including the injured duckling to a shelter, since they had lost their mother, I had an idea.
I called 911 and asked if any sort of wildlife rescue was available to assist me in finding the last duckling, as well as care for the two I had already rescued.
The 911 dispatcher informed me that there was nobody available from any sort of wildlife rescue, but that she would send police to as she said "provide assistance while you continue your search."
Almost 30 minutes later, New York State trooper Joel Cousineau pulls up.
As I was still holding the second duckling in my hand, keeping it warm as best as I could, I explained to NYS trooper Cousineau that I had rescued two ducklings but was looking for a third.
I continued looking for the third duckling, at times hearing faint chirps, only to run in that direction and not find anything.
This happened several times.
Then I saw the duckling.
About 20 feet away.
I ran, jumping from one side of the guardrail to the other, hitting my inner thigh one of the metal cross members, which resulted in a cut.
Just like that it was gone.
I pushed the talk grass aside as I walked crouching down, straining to see in the dark grass.
As it got darker I knew I would gave to give up and focus on the two ducklings I was able to save.
But I couldn't give up just yet.
I kept on.
After a while I knew it was time to go.
I walked over to trooper Cousineau, who rolled down his passenger side window.
"I need to see your I.D.," trooper Cousineau told me, as he stared at me.
"For what?" I replied.
"I need some I.D.," he said.
"I don't have to show you any I.D.," I said to trooper Cousineau.
Trooper Cousineau stared me down.
"Am I being detained?" I asked.
Trooper Cousineau was silent.
Still staring.
Then he opened his mouth.
Another question.
"What's your address?" he asked.
"I don't have to give you that either," I replied.
"Ok," Trooper Cousineau said, as he lifted both of his hands up, as if to say, "fine, you win."
Trooper Cousineau rolled up the Tahoe's window.
I held the duckling close, as I went down the hill.
Walking away, knowing I had to leave that little duckling behind, was one of the of the hardest things I've ever had to do.
As for the two ducklings I was able to save, which my sons named "Luck" and "Lucky", after spending the night at my place, nice and warm, me, my sons, and my niece took them to East Ridge Animal Hospital, as soon as they opened Tuesday morning.
The two ducklings quickly joined two more orphaned ducklings who were a little older.
A staff member told me the ducklings appear to be in good health and should do just fine until they're old enough to be released.
I plan to visit them again soon, and I will be sure to post an update on "Luck" and "Lucky."
Apart from being an animal hospital, East Ridge Animal Hospital, located at 60 Dubelbeiss Lane, off East Ridge Rd., in Irondequoit, NY, has a wildlife rehabilitation section where injured, and orphaned wildlife including squirrels, different types of birds, ducks, geese, and other waterfowl are brought in, where the staff takes great care of them, until they are ready to return to wildlife.
Anyone who loves animals like I do, please, I ask that you support East Ridge Animal Hospital Aviary, by making a donation to them.
I can't imagine what I would have done had a place like East Ridge Animal Hospital Aviary didn't exist.
If you don't live in the Rochester, NY, or the Monroe County area, then please look into wildlife animal sanctuaries in your area, and please support them.
Click Play to watch Luck and Lucky on way to wildlife animal shelter!
Click Play to watch Luck and Lucky on way to wildlife animal shelter!