Sunday, April 3, 2016

USA Olympic Soccer Star Abby Wambach Busted for Driving Drunk, After Running Red Light, Putting Innocent Lives at Risk, Admits to Using Cocaine (UPDATED)


Abby Wambach's Bloodshot Eyes Booking Photo

UPDATED APRIL 4, 2016 1:00 P.M.


Olympic Gold Medalist Abby Wambach is already starting to feel the financial impact of her reckless irresponsible decision to get behind the wheel drunk, and blow through a red light, which resulted  in her arrest Sunday morning in Portland, Oregon.

MINI Cooper U.S.A. issued a statement saying it was pulling all content which features Abby Wambach.

"This behavior is against the values we promote as an organization and the safety of everyone on the road is a priority here at MINI. Because of this, we are re-evaluating her association with the brand and are pulling content that individually features Abby from our marketing. We will continue to assess the situation and weigh our options."

Nike and Gatorade, also companies who have deals with Abby Wambach have not issued any statements.

UPDATED APRIL 5, 2016 8:00 P.M.

According to court papers, Abby Wambach admitted that she's used cocaine before.

This was revealed Tuesdsy morning in Multnomah County Court in Portland, Oregon, where Abby Wambach pleaded not guilty to drunk driving charges.

According to the court papers, following her arrest early Sunday morning, Wambach admitted to police that she has used cocaine before.

Wambach also stated she drinks alcohol weekly.


Abby Wambach pleaded guilty Tuesday in a Portland, Oregon court, to driving drunk.

According to court papers, Wambach's blood alcohol content, or BAC at the time of her arrest was .13 percent.

That's nearly twice the legal limit in Oregon which is .08 percent.

As part of Wambach's guilty plea, she enters into a diversion program for first time offenders, where she must complete a drug and alcohol assessment, agree to prescribed treatment, install an ignition interlock device in her vehicle, and attend a victim impact panel.

Something tells me we haven't seen the last ofAbby  Wambach's alcohol and drug addiction. 

Read my original piece below.

By Davy V.

Olympic Gold Medalist soccer star Abby Wambach, hailed by many as a "hero" and "role model" to millions of young girls throughout the world, was busted for DUI in Portland, Oregon, early Sunday morning.

A Portland Police Sergeant pulled the 35-year old Wambach's 2014 Range Rover over around 2 a.m. Sunday after she ran a red light in the city's downtown district.

After pulling Wambach over, the Sgt. observed that Wambach appeared to be under the influence of alcohol.

Wambach then failed several field sobriety tests.

She was arrested and charged with DUI.

Many, especially in Wambach's hometown of Rochester, NY, are surprised by her arrest.

Well, I'm from Rochester, and let me tell you, it's no secret that Abby likes to get shitfaced.

In fact, a TMZ YouTube video shows a drunk Wambach slurring her words, while grabbing pizza
with friends. (SEE VIDEO BELOW)

Of course, as always, there will be plenty of celebrity apologists, who will no doubt brush this aside as a simple mistake on Abby's behalf and give her a free pass.

But what if Abby Wambach would have seriously injured, or killed an innocent person with her irresponsible actions?

What then?

And what about the double standards which exist when celebrities are busted and charged with crimes, compared to the average Joe Blow?

Which brings me to the preferential celebrity treatment that the Portland, Oregon Police Department extended to Abby Wambach immediately after her arrest.

First, Portland Police didn't tow Abby's Range Rover.

Instead, they parked it on the street for her.

How nice.

A courtesy which would not be extended to you or me.

Second, Abby Wambach was released on her own recognizance.

In other words, no bail.


Bottom line is this... Abby Wambach put innocent lives at risk the second she made a conscious decision to get behind the wheel of her Range, and drive drunk.

And I guarantee you it's not the first time she has done this.

It's the first time she got caught.

Abby Wambach.

Blows through red light.

Drives Drunk.

Puts innocent lives at risk.

Some "role model."

Abby Wambach's 2014 Range Rover parked on street after Portland Police refused to tow it. 

Intersection where Abby Wambach was pulled over.



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