Saturday, August 27, 2016

Above The Law; Greece, NY Police Officer Parks in Handicap Parking Space

Greece, NY Police cruiser #815 parked in handicap parking space.


They say word of mouth is the best form of advertisement.

Well, if that's true, then out of towners visiting Greece, NY, a suburb of Rochester, may never come back.

Take, for example, Jake Perkins.

Last month, Perkins, who's from Virgina, was driving in Greece, NY, when he captured an all too common occurrence nowadays, when it comes to law enforcement officers.

Their above the law mentality.

Personally, I like to refer to it as the "Do as I say, not as I do" self entitled behavior which police officers and even elected officials subscribe to.

Perkins saw a Greece, NY Police cruiser parked in a space reserved for the disabled.

As you can see in the photo below, Greece, NY Police cruiser #815 is parked in a handicap parking space.

In the photo, which Perkins posted on Facebook, he writes the following caption:

"In upstate New York, there's a city named Greece. The cops are handicapped there apparently, because no cop would ever abuse his authority and park in a handicap parking spot. And they are called Greece Police. I just found this amusing #greecepolice"


Thanks to this astute citizen, who had the quick thinking to take the photo, hard-working Greece, NY taxpayers can see just how their tax dollars are being misused by Greece, NY cops who clearly believe they're above the law.

They can also see just what a bad impression their  police force and town, leave on out of state visitors.




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