Friday, November 30, 2012

Disturbing Racist Video out of Greece, NY

Shawn Petrilli
Seen and heard at beginning of video saying
         'Hope you like your fucking hoodie you nigger.'

Amanda Farabella
By Davy V.

On September 5, 2011, 10 year old Noel Parcells and her 3 year old half sister Mia were murdered by Noel's father in Lake George, NY.

New York State Troopers delivered the news to the girl's mother, Rachel Coffey that her daughter's bodies had been found along with the body of Noel's father, Adam, who committed suicide.

Rachel Coffey had recently been awarded sole custody of her daughters in Family Court as a result of Adam's abuse of Noel.

Coffey said she knew something was wrong when Adam did not return the girls after visitation.

She and her mother called Rochester, NY Police on Friday September 2nd, Saturday September 3rd, and Sunday September 4th.

Each time Rochester, NY Police refused to do anything.

Despite Rachel Coffey begging Rochester Police officers, they refused to issue a missing persons report or Amber Alert for Noel and her sister.

It's been just over a year since two beautiful little girls were murdered, and Rachel Coffey hasn't been the same.

Nick Robare
Every day a loving mother misses her children.

Which is why a video that has surfaced out of Greece, NY is extremely disturbing.

The video, features 18 year old Greece resident Amanda Farabella and her boyfriend Shawn Petrilli, both of 100 Whitman Rd. in Greece, along with Amanda's half brother Nick Robare.

The video begins with Petrilli looking into the camera and saying 'Hope you like your fucking hoodie you nigger.'

The Petrilli home at 100 Whitman Rd in Greece, NY
where the racist bullying video was made.
The green DC hoodie is something that Noel Parcells, gave to her best friend, Alex, who is African-American.  

Apparently, the teens got a hold of the hoodie and
decided to make a disturbing video which combines racism with bullying.                                                                                                

The video, which seems to have been posted on Youtube by someone who is outraged, and wants to bring attention to what is going on in Greece, NY, then shows the hoodie burning, as Petrilli, Robare and Farabella, are heard laughing and saying more racial slurs as well as mocking Noel Parcells.

At one point in the video, one of the males lights a cigarette on the burning hoodie, and at another point, another one of the males says he is going to "piss" on the hoodie.

It's interesting that the video takes place in Greece, NY, as the town recently made international news when a video of students bullying Karen Klein, a 68 year old School bus monitor surfaced on Youtube.

Even more interesting is that one of the student's who bullied the bus monitor, has a step father who is a Greece, NY Police officer.

I wonder what if anything, the Greece, NY Police department and Town of Greece officials have to say about this video.

NOTE: No Rochester, NY area News Media Outlets have cared to cover this story.

Call Greece, NY Police Chief Todd Baxter at (585) 865-9200

Click Play below to watch the video

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Ontario County, NY Sheriff's department Lt. Brad Falkey Seems to be Protecting Canandaigua Cop who was Arrested for DWI

Ontario County, NY Sheriff's dept. Lt. Brad Falkey
By Davy V.

Since NO media outlet in or around the Rochester, NY area has requested the booking photo of Canandaigua, NY Police officer Nicole Kadien, who was arrested on DWI charges Friday, November 23rd, I decided I would file a FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) request myself.

After speaking with a very nice and professional woman at the Ontario County, NY Records Access office named Rosemary, I went online and submitted my FOIA request.

I then called Ontario County, NY Sheriff's dept. Lt. Brad Falkey, whom I was told earlier was the contact person regarding any release of booking photos.

Almost immediately after my conversation with Lt. Falkey began, it was clear that he could not wait to get me off the phone.

Maybe it was the fact that I introduced myself as being with

Or, maybe it was my reputation.

Whatever it was, Lt. Falkey's curt and rude behavior will not keep me from my goal, which is to obtain officer Kadien's mugshot.

The way I look at it if a regular citizen, especially an African-American or Latino is arrested and charged with a crime, his or her mugshot is splattered throughout the television news channels and on the internet.

And so should Canandaigua, NY Police officer Nicole Kadien's mugshot.

So that everyone, but especially the good, hardworking, tax paying citizens of Canandaigua, NY can get a good look at officer Kadien's drunk face in her mugshot, and see just who they have on their police force...

A cop who broke the law by driving drunk, and in doing so, put innocent lives at risk.

I will be updating this post.

Click Play below to hear my conversation with Ontario County, NY Sheriff department Lt. Brad Falkey.

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Thursday, November 29, 2012

Canandaigua, NY Police Chief Jon Welch: "I'm Disappointed Many Times... When My officers Make Unwise Decisions."

Canandaigua, NY Police officer Nicole Kadien
By Davy V.

Canandaigua, NY Police Chief Jon Welch says he is disappointed in his officer, Nicole Kadien, who was arrested and charged with DWI.

Ontario County, NY Sheriff's deputies arrested Kadien on Friday November 23, 2012, after they observed her driving erratic on North Main St., in Canandaigua, failing to keep right and not signaling to indicate lane change.

The arrest of Canandaigua, NY Police officer Nicole Kadien is just one more example of a disturbing double standard that exists, where those who take a sworn oath to uphold the law, end up breaking the law themselves.

I wonder how many DWI arrests officer Kadien has made in her approx. 8 year career with the CPD.

An even better question is how many times has officer Kadien got behind the wheel of a vehicle drunk, as hasn't been caught?

Canandaigua Police Chief Jon Welch said Kadien is on paid administrative leave pending an internal investigation by his department.

I spoke with Chief Welch by phone, where he expressed his disappointment in officer Kadien's actions.

"Obviously I'm disappointed in the officer's actions, but again, I'm disappointed many times throughout my 10 years as Chief when my officers make unwise decisions," said Chief Welch.

When I asked the Chief if his Sgt. Scott Kadien, who is the department's Public Information Officer, or "PIO",  is in fact officer Kadien's husband, he refused to refused to answer.

I must say that Chief Welch was professional, and the fact that he personally took my phone call, instead of giving me a run-around like other Chiefs have, says alot about him.

I could hear the disappointment, and embarrassment in Chief Welch's voice over officer Kadien's actions.

To listen to the conversation I had with Canandaigua, NY Police Chief Jon Welch, click Play below.

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Canandaigua, NY Police officer Nicole Kadien, Arrested and Charged with DWI

Canandaigua, NY Police officer Nicole Kadien
By Davy V.

On Friday November 23, 2012, Ontario County, NY Sheriff's deputies noticed a car driving erratic on North Main St., in Canandaigua, failing to keep right and not signaling to indicate lane change.

So, they pulled the vehicle over.

Behind the wheel was 28 year old Nicole Kadien, a Canandaigua, NY Police officer.

Deputies quickly determined Kadien was drunk.

They then arrested her and charged her with DWI.

Canandaigua, NY Police officer Nicole Kadien is just one more example of a disturbing double standard that exists, where those who take a sworn oath to uphold the law, end up breaking the law themselves.

I wonder how many DWI arrests officer Kadien has made in her approx. 8 year career with the CPD.

An even better question is how many times has officer Kadien got behind the wheel of a vehicle drunk, as hasn't been caught?

Canandaigua Police Chief Jon Welch said Kadien is on paid administrative leave pending an internal investigation by his department.

I'm not sure if the Ontario County, NY Sheriff's deputies who pulled Kadien over knew she was a police officer before they arrested her, but if they did, then they deserve a hand for treating Kadien just like any other citizen, and for not giving her any preferential treatment or 'above the law' breaks simply because of her law enforcement background.

After calling the Canandaigua, NY Police department asking for comment on officer Nicole Kadien's DWI arrest, a receptionist revealed an interesting bit of information...

Apparently, there is a Sgt. Kadien who is the department's Public Information Officer, or "PIO."

A quick Google search of Sgt. Kadien, did show that Canandaigua Police do have a Sgt. Scott Kadien in their department.

When I asked the receptionist if there is any relation between the Sgt. Kadien and officer Nicole Kadien, it was clear she wanted to stay as far away from that question as possible.

Since NO media outlet in or around the Rochester, NY area has requested the booking photo of Canandaigua, NY Police officer Nicole Kadien, who was arrested on DWI charges Friday, November 23rd, I decided I would file a FOIL (Freedom of Information Law) request myself.

The way I look at it if a regular citizen, especially an African-American or Latino is arrested and charged with a crime, his or her mugshot is splattered throughout the television news channels and on the internet.

And so should Canandaigua, NY Police officer Nicole Kadien's mugshot.

So that everyone, but especially the good, hardworking, tax paying citizens of Canandaigua, NY can get a good look at officer Kadien's drunk face in her mugshot, and see just who they have on their police force...

A cop who broke the law by driving drunk, and in doing so, put innocent lives at risk.

UPDATE: Canandaigua, NY Police Chief Jon Welch "Disappointed" in officer Kadien.

Click Play to listen to the conversation:

Click the link to read more:

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Wednesday, November 21, 2012

More than a Month after Filing FOIL Request with the City of Rochester, NY for the Name of RPD Officer Caught on Video Kicking her K-9 Partner, Then Having Request Denied, City Concedes to My Relentless Efforts and Releases Name... RPD Officer Nina Nowack

By Davy V.

There's a lot to be said for perseverance.

On October 12, 2012 I filed a FOIL request with the City of Rochester, NY for the name of he Rochester, NY Police officer caught on video kicking her K-9 partner.

After more than a month of being bounced around and given a run-around from City officials, my FOIL request was denied.

At this point, most people would have simply given up.

I'm not most people.

While Rochester, NY Police and City officials pulled out their stall-tactics and intentionally prolonged my request, only to deny it, in hopes that his would all just go away,  I was committed to continue the fight, and expose them every step of the way.

In fact, just a few days ago, when I called the  City to inquire on the status of my request,  like I had done several times over the past several weeks, I was informed by the Records Access Supervisor, Ms. Sylvia Rossello, I was prepared.

One thing I learned the hard way when it comes to dealing with police and City officials,  is ALWAYS record the conversation. (Of course, be sure to check your State's laws when it comes to recording conversations.)

So, when I was informed that my request had been denied, I was told that Rochester, City Attorney Jeffrey Eichner was the person to talk to.

So, I recorded the entire conversation with Eichner, who pretty much stumbled throughout, at one pont even acting as if he had misunderstood my FOIL request, which was very straightforward -- the name of the RPD officer who kicked her partner.

Then I posted the conversation on youtube.

You see, one thing about me is, I will expose misconduct, corruption, cover-ups, whatever it may be, to the world, so that everyone can see for themselves.

I then called Gary Walker, the City of Rochester, NY Communications director, whom City Attorney  Jeff Eichner had indicated, had made the decision to deny my request.

After a little phone tag, where to Mr. Walker's credit, he called me an hour after Rochester City Hall had officially closed,  I was finally able to speak to Mr. Walker, who I must say was very professional and courteous.

I told Mr. Walker that I realized we each had our roles to play, his, as Jeffrey Eichner's is to protect the City.

Mine is to expose police misconduct, corruption, cover-ups and demand transparency and accountability.

Which, if you think about it, is all this was about from the beginning.

Transparency and accountability.

Gary Walker has known me for many years.

He knew my Dad's relentless passion as an activist and he knows mine.

Long before he began working for the City of Rochester, Walker worked for WXXI television, Rochester's PBS outlet, where he executive produced and hosted a weekly community television program called 'Need to Know.'

Gary Walker is a smart man.

Like he said to me in our phone conversation, wrong is wrong and right is right.

And I believe he realized that the City of Rochester and the Rochester Police department were just making  things worse, by prolonging, and ultimately denying my FOIL request.

Which is why Walker decided to release the RPD officer's name who was caught on video mistreating her partner.

Rochester, NY Police officer Nina Nowack, a 16-year member of the RPD, who works out of the Rochester Police department's Special Operations Division located at 261 Child Street.

In releasing RPD officer Nina Nowack's name,  Gary Walker not only avoided the City a foil lawsuit I was ready to bring against them, but he also put an end to the barrage of bad publicity the City of Rochester had been receiving due to their lack of transparency by refusing to release officer Nina Nowack's name.

Click the link to read my original story of RPD officer Nina Nowack

Click Play to watch video of Rochester, NY Police officer Nina Nowack kicking her K-9 partner

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Monday, November 19, 2012

City of Rochester, NY Denies my FOIL Request for the Name of RPD Officer Caught on Video Kicking her K-9 Partner

Rochester, NY City Attorney Jeffrey Eichner
By Davy V.

After waiting more than a month, and getting a run-around, the City of Rochester, NY has denied my FOIL request which I filed on October 12, 2012 asking for the name of the RPD officer caught on video kicking her K-9  partner.

When I called the City of Rochester, I first spoke with Ms. Sylvia Rossello who informed me that my FOIL request had been denied.

When I asked her why it was she denied she stated for "Confidential information.'

When I asked her who denied the request, Ms. Rossello would only say "my contact in the law department is Jefferey Eichner."

I called Eichner and he stumbled and stuttered throughout our entire conversation, at one point even acting as if he had misunderstood my very clear FOIL request.

Eichner indicated that Rochester, NY Communications director Gary Walker was behind the denial.

I have placed a call to Mr. Gary Walker's officer and will be updating this post.

Here is the link to my original story on the RPD officer mistreating her K-9 partner

Click Play below to hear the entire recorded phone conversation with Jeffrey Eichner.

Here is the link to my original story on the RPD officer mistreating her K-9 partner

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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Exposing Cleveland, Ohio Police Officer Luis M. Rivera

Cleveland, Ohio Police Officer Luis M. Rivera
By Davy V.

It's no secret that a major part of what drives me as an activist and writer exposing police misconduct, corruption, and dirty cops is my Dad Mario Vara.

My Dad was a long-time community activist who for many years exposed the corrupt Rochester, NY Police department.

Having left Cuba with my mom and my brother in 1968, in search of a better life, my Dad was saddened to see that here, in the United States of America, a "free" country, the police could break into innocent people's homes, abuse, beat, and in some cases even kill them.

And get away with it.

It reminded my Dad of his homeland.

However, unlike many people born here in the U.S., who take their rights for granted and who are complacent when it comes to standing up and denouncing injustices, my Dad did something.

He became active in the local community, attending meetings, organizing people, holding rallies and marches, but most importantly being a voice for those too afraid to speak out.

As a young teen, I recall my Dad's passion.

It was contagious.

Unlike fake politicians who promise potential voters the world, while posing for photo-ops with babies, my Dad truly cared about people.

I admired my Dad so much.

He was real.

His passion to fight against, and expose injustices was genuine.

I began to help him, sometimes by making signs for different protest rallies, other times by simply accompanying him to meetings and rallies.

My Dad co-hosted a Spanish-language cable access television show called 'La Voz del Pueblo', (The Voice of the Town).

The show was another way for my Dad to educate and inform the community in Rochester, on issues varying from police misconduct to discrimination in the workplace.

But my Dad's major thing was exposing police corruption and demanding accountability and action from City government, yes those same elected officials who at one point in time or another, promised the world to those who helped them get into office.

You see, my Dad had no problem calling those officials out, reminding them that they had a job to do, and demanding that they do it.

They hated him.

He was a thorn in their sides.

And no one hated my Dad more than the Rochester, NY Police department.

They hated that he was not afraid to stand up to them.

They hated that he rallied and inspired others to also stand up and get involved.

As a result of my Dad's work, the Rochester Police department would constantly harass and intimidate him.

Sometimes on a daily basis.

With their intimidation tactics, the Rochester, NY Police department broke my Dad down in the worst way a person can be broken down.


Which is worse than any beating.

Unfortunately, my Dad fell into a very bad, deep depression and committed suicide, while me and my mom were home.

It's something I have never gotten over, and despite what people say that things get better -- they don't.

My Dad wasn't just my father, he was my best friend.

My Dad may be gone, but what he instilled in me, will forever be in me.

A relentless passion to stand up to injustices and corruption.

Like those committed by dirty, rogue cops.

The same ones who take an oath to serve and protect.

Dirty, rogue cops like Cleveland, Ohio Police officer Luis M. Rivera, who used the "City of Cleveland Municipal Courts IP address, "", during work hours, to post this comment:

BuckNut says:
November 14, 2012 at 1:12 am
Davy V. Your father was a coward who took the easy way out. Go cry a river to someone else. Nobody cares that suicide is a sensitive subject to you. Anyone who takes his or her own life is self centered and selfish including your father. The only way his action could be forgiven in my eyes is if he iced you before offing himself. Oh the pain  is unbearable... And Davy V. You know what they father like son!!!

But officer Rivera didn't stop there.


He also somehow got a hold of my personal email address and sent me this email:

fuck you go kill your self
fuck you go kill your self
fuck you go kill your self
fuck you go kill your self
fuck you go kill your self
fuck you go kill your self
fuck you go kill your self
fuck you go kill your self

And now, I get to do what I love to do.

Expose a dirty cop.

Cleveland, Ohio Police officer Luis M. Rivera.

Although officer Rivera made this personal, the reality is that this is so much more than about my Dad, Mario Vara and his memory.

Nothing officer Rivera or anyone else says about my Dad will change who he was.

A Great man.

This is about a police officer in the City of Cleveland, Ohio, who swore an oath to serve and protect.

A Cleveland Police officer who has been entrusted with the power and authority to make life and death decisions in his daily interactions with the citizens of Cleveland.

This is about the City of Cleveland, Ohio, not only the residents of the 2nd district where officer Luis Rivera works 3rd platoon, but also the need that City of Cleveland, Ohio officials, such as Police Chief Michael McGrath and Mayor Frank G. Jackson, take notice who they have on their police force.

After officer Rivera's hurtful, insensitive, disgusting comments, not only about my Dad, but sending me a disturbing, 8 line, repetitive email telling me to kill myself, I shake my head when I think that this man is a police officer, on the streets of Cleveland, who in his capacity as a law enforcement officer, deals with mentally-ill, disturbed people.

Does the City of Cleveland, Ohio and its Police force really want a police officer who engages in this sort of behavior?

I intend to see this through and will not stop until action is taken against officer Luis M. Rivera.

In closing, I can't help but think that Cleveland, Ohio Police officer Luis M. Rivera, who again works 3rd Platoon out of the City's 2nd district, had no idea that his name, and photo, along with his disgusting, disturbing behavior, would be exposed not only to his City, family, friends and colleagues, but to the world.

On officer Rivera's facebook page he lists his occupation as "Garbage Collector."

I wonder what the City of Cleveland Ohio, Mayor Jackson and Police Chief McGrath have to say about having an officer like Rivera on the force, an officer who thinks so highly of his chosen profession, and the oath he swore.

Do Cleveland officials even care?


Officer Luis Rivera's response:

Bucknut says:
November 17, 2012 at 10:21 pm

Very nice picture of me Davy. Thank you. Unfortunately, the only thing that's going to be exposed is what a liar you are. While I understand your purpose in life is to incite negative emotion amongst your mindless flock im afraid you may have opened your mouth a little too much this time.

If you think by posting my picture and where I work you're going to scare me off you're sadly mistaken. If you think by publicly acusing me of a crime im going away I have news for you my friend. You have a bigger problem than you think. While I do not deny and stand by everything I posted, accusing me of privately emailing you is another story. See Davy Im a real man. I don't need to write lies like you to have people follow me. That my friend is cowardly. Remember the apple? Point proven.

So Davy, don't be a hypocrite. Don't stand on your soapbox and preach about the constitution and how "dirty rogue cops" violate them them in the same breath tell me I can't have an opinion because your feelings were hurt. Take your skirt off alice and man up.

In closing it would be in your best interest to edit your article. Like I stated, if you want to keep what I posted on there its fine by me. Once again I don't deny it and I stand by it. You better remove the lie about emailing you. If you refuse my lawyer will be getting into contact with you. If you think im bluffing call me. Im all in.


Luis M. Rivera
Cleveland Police Department
2nd District
C Platoon 

Anyone interested in contacting the Cleveland, Ohio Police department 2nd District
(216) 623-5200  or  (216) 623-5220

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Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Disgraced Ex-Chief of Greece, NY Police department, Merritt Rahn to be Released from Prison

Convicted Felon and Ex-Greece, NY Police Chief
Merritt Rahn
By Davy V.

For years he ran the Greece, NY Police department the "Good ol' boys club" way.

Former Greece, NY Police Chief Merritt Rahn, now a convicted criminal who has served about 2 1/2 years in State prison for four felonies and three misdemeanors related to his cover-up of serious crimes committed by two of his former officers, has been granted parole.

In 2008 former Rochester, NY Police officer and Greece Police Sgt. Nick Joseph was off duty, drinking and doing cocaine at Spenders bar on Lyell Ave. in Rochester, NY when he got behind the wheel of his brother David Joseph's (Joseph is a Sgt. with the Rochester, NY Police department) Ford Fusion and while racing on interstate 390 North, doing in excess of 80 miles per hour, rear ended a stalled vehicle which was parked on the shoulder.

In that vehicle was Alexis Sharpe, a young pregnant mother.

The impact ruptured Sharpe's placenta and she had to undergo emergency surgery, forcing her to deliver her daughter, Azaria, 14 weeks prematurely.

Azaria spent 93 days in the hospital and suffers ongoing medical problems.

Joseph fled under the cover of darkness immediately after crashing into Sharpe's vehicle.

The incident led to Greece, NY Police Sgt. Nick Joseph being convicted of aggravated vehicular assault, two counts of second-degree assault, leaving the scene of a personal injury accident, and first-degree perjury; as well as two misdemeanors: driving while ability impaired and seventh-degree criminal possession of a controlled substance.

Key evidence in Joseph's trial included surveillance video from the bar which showed Joseph downing drink after drink, as well as cocaine residue on the airbag of the Ford Fusion.

Nick Joseph was sentenced 3 to 7 years in New York State prison.

The investigation into Joseph's incident led to former Greece Police Chief Merritt Rahn also being charged with several felonies in connection with Joseph's hit and run, including guilty of tampering with public records, hindering a prosecution, falsifying business records, falsely reporting an incident, and two counts of official misconduct in an attempt to cover up the Joseph incident.

Merritt Rahn was also found guilty of offering a false instrument for filing in the case of former Greece Police officer Gary Pignato’s background check.

In Rahn's 2009 trial, cell phone records showed several calls made between Joseph and Rahn after Joseph's hit and run.

It is believed that Rahn tried to cover-up for Joseph, including telling Joseph not to immediately go to the hospital for a cut on his forehead which he suffered in the accident, so as to avoid blood tests which would have shown alcohol and cocaine.

Merritt Rahn was convicted and sentenced 1 2/3 to 5 years in New York State prison.

Also in 2009, Greece, NY Police officer Gary Pignato, also a former Rochester, NY Police officer, who was fired from the RPD, was charged with bribery and coercion, stemming from several traffic stops of women, whom he would try to force into having sex with him in exchange for him letting them off traffic tickets and crimes.

In one case, Pignato responded to a domestic disturbance call where the boyfriend of a young woman had called police.

The woman had been drinking alcohol.

Once Pignato learned the woman was on probation, he bribed the woman by telling her that if she did not have sex with him he would arrest her and she would be in violation of her probation.

Pignato would routinely follow women to their homes and stalk them.

At his sentencing, Pignato told the Judge "I literally placed my life on the line" as an officer and that it's "degrading and demoralizing to be in jail."

Pignato was sentenced 2 to 6 years in New York State Prison.

Merritt Rahn hired Pignato despite Pignato's long history of misconduct, including being from the Rochester, NY Police department.

In hiring Nick Joseph, Rahn also ignored his long history of misconduct and corruption when Joseph worked on the Rochester, NY Police department's Tactical unit, including the fact in 1998 a Federal jury, found that Nick Joseph violated my civil rights when he broke into my home without a warrant, beat me and falsely arrested me in retaliation for my having videotaped his brother, David Joseph, a few months earlier, mistreating a Jamaican motorist during a traffic stop.

Merritt Rahn's son, Chad Rahn, a former Irondequoit, NY Police officer was recently paroled after serving State prison time for being convicted of accessing classified 911 information.

Chad Rahn used his authority as a police officer to gain access to 911 records to identify a man who called police on Frank Arena, an individual who was selling drugs out of his home.

Arena and Rahn were friends.

Rahn gave Arena the man's name and address.

Arena beat the man, seriously injuring him.

Arena was later convicted and is serving time.

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Sunday, November 11, 2012

Mark Simmons, Rochester, NY Cop who Shot 13-Year Old Suicidal Girl, Promoted to Lieutenant

Rochester, NY Police Sgt.
Mark Simmons
By Davy V.

On Tuesday, November 13, 2012 Rochester, NY Police Sgt. Mark Simmons will be promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

Emails, texts and messages on facebook went out congratulating Simmons on his promotion.

And, once again the Rochester, NY Police department, and current RPD Chief James Sheppard, continue a long practiced 'Good ol' boys club' way of rewarding problem officers with promotions.

While many Rochester, NY residents have extremely short-term memories, others don't.

I would put myself in the latter category.


A very sensitive subject for me.

In 1993, my Dad Mario Vara committed suicide in his bedroom, while me and my mom were downstairs.

Contrary to what people say, that things get better with time, they don't.

Not a day passes by when I don't remember that day.

I can still hear the loud gunshot.

I often think what if anything I could have done to stop my Dad from doing what he did.

Which brings me to Mark Simmons.

On July 10, 2005, 13-year old LaShedica Mason was suicidal, when she locked herself up in the bathroom of her home on St. Jacob Street on Rochester's eastside.

Her relatives called 911 for assistance.

Minutes later, Rochester Police officer Mark Simmons entered the home and as soon as he saw Mason holding a knife, he shot the 13 year old girl three times, including once in her abdomen.

As a result of her injuries, LaShedica's gall bladder, as well as several feet of her intestines had to be removed during surgery.

Ironically, just days before the shooting, acting Rochester Police Chief Cedric Alexander had announced the creation of the Rochester Police Department's Emotionally Disturbed Persons Response Team (EDPRT) a team specially trained to deal with despondent, suicidal, and emotionally unstable individuals.

In fact, the team was developed, specifically for people just like LaShedica.

So why then, was a suicidal teen shot multiple times by a trigger-happy cop?

Where was this crisis intervention team who were trained to deal with situations like this?

Nowhere to be found.

They were never deployed.

Instead, a trigger-happy young RPD cop named Mark Simmons went Rambo, opening fire and trying to kill a young, suicidal girl who needed help.


Mark Simmons tried his best to kill young LaShedica.

Simmons shot the 13-year old in what police refer to as 'center mass.'

It is that part of the body just below the neck and above the waist.

Police know that by shooting at this area of the body, the shots will most likely be fatal, and by shooting a young girl three times, Mark Simmons' intentions were clear: Shoot to kill.

Not long after shooting LaShedica, Mark Simmons was promoted to the rank of Sgt., and, until recently, was Rochester Police Chief James Sheppard's right hand man.

This latest promotion of Simmons by the RPD, will be the second of his approx. 9-year career with the department.

I often think of LaShedica.

I think of how bad one must feel to want to end one's life, like my Dad did.

It has to be an unimaginable pain.

And then I think on top of how bad LaShedica was feeling, locked in that bathroom, holding a knife, contemplating ending her life, what she must have felt seeing RPD officer Mark Simmons, not there to help her, but instead trying his best to kill her himself.

I wonder if on Tuesday, in that ceremony when Rochester Police Sgt. Mark Simmons is promoted to Lieutenant, if he will remember LaShedica.

I wonder if he will remember, that the first time in his career that he had an opportunity to make a difference in a young suicidal girl's life by helping her, that instead he tried to kill her.

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Thursday, November 8, 2012

Photography is Not a Crime Founder Carlos Miller Not Guilty

Carlos Miller
Photo by Christopher Post
By Davy V.

A Miami-Dade County jury has found Photography is Not a Crime founder and publisher Carlos Miller, not guilty of resisting arrest stemming from his January 31, 2012 arrest, which was ordered by Miami-Dade Police Major Nancy Perez, as MDPD officers were evicting Occupy protesters in downtown Miami.

Perez is also the Public Information Officer (PIO) for the Miami-Dade Police department, which makes the fact that she ordered Miller's arrest even more disturbing, as one would think that as the department's PIO, she would not only have have recognized, but respected Miller's First Amendment right to be there on that January night, like she did with every other media press member--who were not arrested.

However, in the days, weeks and months that followed Miller's arrest, alot would be revealed about MDPD Major Nancy Perez, such as how incompetent and unorganized she is as PIO of a major metroplitan police force like the Miami-Dade Police department.

For example, despite several requests made by Miami-Dade County Court Judge Ed Newman ordering that Perez provide Miller's attorney with the MDP Standard Operating Procedures, dictating how the department should interact with the media, Perez refused to comply with those orders, forcing Judge to continue the case.

Eventually, Miller's attorney did obtain the SOP documents, and the trial began today.

Major Perez also showed her cluelessness as a PIO, by making ignorant comments about social media and blogs, such as Photography is Not a Crime.

After Miller's arrest, in referring to blogs, Perez stated  "They don't put out information that is relevant to the community."

Major Perez then went on to say "I don't know enough about the-- I mean, I know nowadays all the kids blog," when explaining her understanding of blogging.

Well, let's just say that Miller's blog, Photography is Not a Crime, or PINAC, is well, very relevant.

In fact, PINAC exists for this very same reason--law enforcement not knowing, understanding, or simply not respecting individuals' (not just media) First Amendment right to photograph and videotape police officers doing their job.

Perhaps key to Miller's defense was Miami Herald columnist Glenn Garvin, who testified that
he never heard Perez direct or guide any journalists covering the scene to clear the area, Miller claims.

Garvin, just as Miller, was also covering the MDPD's eviction of Occupy Miami protesters, but was not arrested.

Garvin testified before the jury that when he saw Miller get arrested, he was worried that he too would be arrested.

However, Garvin testified, after he approached Perez, she told him he was fine.

Reached by phone in Miami, Miller had this to say about his acquittal, "My acquittal means many things, including a solid proof of my innocence as well as a green light to proceed with my civil suit against the Miami-Dade Police Department."

Miller added, "But it also sends out a message to cops around the country that they can no longer make up their own versions of the truth because they just never know when they are being recorded.

After Carlos Miller was arrested and booked, Miami Dade Police deleted some of his camera's footage leading up to the arrest.

Miller was later able to recover the deleted footage.

In the video link I have posted at the bottom, footage from Miller's video camera shows Miami Dade police officers dressed in full riot gear, wielding batons.

At about the 3:50  mark of the video, Miami Dade police Major Nancy Perez, who happens to be the Public Information officer (PIO) is seen extending her arm out towards Miller as to block him, before calling out to her fellow officers, "Prisoner", at which point other Miami Dade cops can be heard yelling "Arrestee! Arrestee!"

Perez can also be heard telling a relaxed Carlos Miller, "We don't wanna have to hurt you."

This latest victory marks the third time that Miller has beaten charges after being arrested by Miami-Dade Police as well as Miami Beach Police.

All bogus charges, including a resisting arrest conviction which he had reversed on appeal pro se (meaning Miller represented himself).

Will the Miami-Dade Police department, as well as police departments throught the U.S., finally understand that Photography is Not a Crime?

We will see.

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Carlos Miller's arrest video

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Monday, November 5, 2012

Rochester, NY Police Ticket Fixing for Officers, Family and Friends. Even George Markert, the City's Director of Public Integrity, had 5 Tickets Voided.

George Markert
Director of Public Integrity
City of Rochester, NY
By Davy V.

A month-long investigation by Rochester, New York's Democrat & Chronicle newspaper has revealed that the Rochester Police department regularly fixes tickets for fellow police officers, including their families and friends.

On a recent Saturday night in Rochester's East End nightclub scene, Rochester Police officer Paul Dondorfer illegally parked his Chevy Suburban outside a popular East Avenue bar in a handicapped space reserved for people with disabilities.

Two days later, a Rochester Police department Lieutenant voided the $ 100 ticket with the excuse, “Handicapped passenger on board. Courtesy extended.”

Rochester, NY Police Lt. Frank Alberti received a $ 35 ticket for parking his Jeep in a no-standing zone outside Geva Theatre Center in December of 2011.

The very next day, the ticket was voided with the justification, “Courtesy extended at Geva Theatre.”

In March 2011, Rochester Police officer Gregory Vasile dodged a $ 35 fine for displaying an expired inspection certificate in his Dodge Sedan.

The reason for the void?

“Professional courtesy.”

A month later, RPD officer Vasile had still not renewed the inspection which had expired 10 months earlier, and was ticketed again.

And, again, the ticket was voided.

The reason?

“Professional courtesy.”

Rochester Police Officer Dennis Cole received nine tickets totaling $225 in fines over two years for parking at expired meters outside a stadium at the University of Rochester, where he was an assistant football coach at the time.

Every ticket was voided, mostly with dubious or no explanations.

In one case, tickets Cole and a fellow coach had received minutes apart in August 2011 were voided with the explanation, “Volunteers working at school — courtesy extended.”

Reached by phone, RPD officer Dennis Cole directed inquiries to a police spokesman. “Obviously, that’s nothing I can comment on,” he said.

Rochester, NY Police Officer Karl Berg received three tickets in 2010 for parking his Lexus in a No-Parking zone outside his house in the Corn Hill section of Rochester.

All three tickets were voided.

One of the void forms read, “Courtesy extended — Corn Hill resident.”

Berg once submitted and approved a void — a breach of protocol — for a ticket issued to a motorist parked illegally in front of his house.

In filling out the void a day after the ticket was issued, Berg wrote, “Vehicle moved — courtesy extended.”

Reached at his home, Berg declined to comment.

None of the Rochester Police officers cited in the D&C newspaper's story would speak to a reporter.

They all declined to comment or did not return messages left for them at their homes or work.

Even former Rochester Police department executive Chief George Markert, now the director of the City's Office of Public Integrity, received four tickets for parking illegally.

Markert's wife, also an RPD employee, received one ticket.

All four tickets were voided.

As an activist and writer exposing the Rochester, NY Police department's long history of misconduct and corruption, I have continuously pointed out their 'double standard', when it comes to their 'above the law' way of operating.

Ironically, George Markert, who is heading an ongoing investigation of administrative functions within the Parking Violations Bureau, including the voiding of tickets, defended his, and his wife's voided tickets.

“It’s pretty common for people who are authorized to park there to get a ticket voided,” Markert said. “It’s technically not a violation.”

This latest scandal is just another 'black eye'  for the Rochester, NY Police department.

Just a couple of months ago, Rochester's Democrat and Chronicle newspaper investigated Rochester, NY Police officers violating the City's newly installed red-light cameras.

The D&C found that over an 18 month period, Rochester Police officers ran red lights or turned illegally on red lights at least 119 times, while on non-emergency calls.

In fact, Rochester Police Chief James Sheppard himself broke the law.

The RPD officers, including the Chief, not only broke the law, but as a result, put innocent lives in danger.

And, perhaps just as equally disturbing, due a a City policy, Rochester, N.Y. Police officers, including Chief Sheppard, can not be disciplined for violations.

"Payment of the related fine will not be required," according to a newly adopted city of Rochester procedure for handling the violations.

Another example of not only the RPD's 'above the law' status, but also of their disgusting double standard, when you consider that citizens who are caught in violation of the red-light cameras receive $ 50 fine, which can escalate to $ 75 if not paid.

In an April 18, 2012 Rochester News10NBC story titled "Rochester Raking In Red Light Revenue", Rochester, N.Y. Mayor Thomas Richards and city officials said they're making three times the amount the city originally expected, saying the city had so far collected more than $2 million in fines from approx. 9,000 violations per month.

And so, while hard-working Rochester residents who struggle to put food on the table for their families every day, are forced to go to court to dispute a parking violation, or pay the fine, it's business as usual with the Rochester, NY Police department, who simply 'void' their own tickets.

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