Sunday, May 1, 2016

With Her City in Crisis, Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren is Off to Indianapolis to Campaign for Hillary Clinton


Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren

By Davy V.

My hometown of Rochester, NY is ranked as one of the poorest cities in the U.S.

But Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren is off to Indianapolis to campaign for Hillary Clinton. 

Rochester, NY's child poverty rate is 46 percent.

That's more than twice the U.S. national average.

But Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren is off to Indianapolis to campaign for Hillary Clinton. 

Every day, in Rochester, NY, thousands of low-income families with young children, a strong concentration of which are Black and Latino, and many of them single parent homes, struggle to put food on the table.

For many young children in Rochester, NY, dinner consists of a pack of high sodium, Ramen noodle soup.

But Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren is off to Indianapolis to campaign for Hillary Clinton. 

Rochester, NY City schools are among the worst in the country, with all time low high school graduation and drop out rates.

But Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren is off to Indianapolis to campaign for Hillary Clinton.

Teen pregnancy in Rochester, especially among African-American girls, remains at an alarming rate, giving an all new meaning to the term, "Babies having babies."

But Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren is off to Indianapolis to campaign for Hillary Clinton.

Mistreatment of blacks and Latinos by an out of control Rochester, NY Police Department, which lacks any real oversight, or a true civilian review board with investigative and subpoenas powers, continues to increase.

Each year, worse than the previous.

But Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren is off to Indianapolis to campaign for Hillary Clinton.

And while Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren continues to rake in more than $3 million a year in red light ticket cameras, the homeless brave sub-zero degree temperatures underneath expressway overpasses, and in make shift tarp tents throughout Rochester's downtown district.

But Rochester, NY Mayor, Lovely Warren is off to Indianapolis to campaign for Hillary Clinton.

With all the real issues facing her city, Rochester, NY Mayor Lovely Warren is off to Indianapolis, more than 500 miles away,  to campaign for Hillary Clinton.

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