Saturday, March 8, 2014

Monroe County, NY Sheriff's Deputy Drives Cruiser into Pole in Walmart Parking Lot

Monroe County, NY Sheriff's cruiser. 
By Davy V.

A photo posted posted on social media shows a Monroe County, NY Sheriff's cruiser which crashed into a stop sign post in a Wal-Mart parking lot.

The photo, which shows the Monroe County, NY Sheriff's Office Chevy Impala cruiser's front bumper, and hood wrapped around the yellow post, was taken last week in the Wal-Mart located in Henrietta, NY.

Don't Worry... The Taxpayers Will Pay For It.

Let's see... If a trained Monroe County, NY Sheriff's deputy can't see and avoid hitting a bright yellow post, one which holds a stop sign, which is pretty visible itself, in a brightly lit parking lot, then are pedestrians safe from a reckless, or perhaps impaired Monroe County, NY Sheriff's deputy?

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