Brighton, NY Police Officer Marcus Capeder
It only takes one asshole cop to tarnish an entire police force.
Take, for example, Brighton, NY Police officer Brian Cecere, who retaliated against me last Friday, one month after I video recorded him conducting a traffic stop of a black motorist.
Brighton, NY Police Officer Brian Cecere
As soon as officer Cecere saw me, he slammed on his brakes, did a u-turn, and pulled me over.
Officer Cecere then abused his authority under the color of law by falsely accusing me of speeding.
Brighton, NY Police Officer Brian Cecere
It only takes one asshole cop to tarnish an entire police force.
But the truth is it's going to take more than one asshole lying cop to tarnish my overall opinion of the Brighton, NY Police Department.
That's because the truth is that the Brighton, NY Police Department is mostly comprised of good cops.
Cops like Mark Skidmore who has always treated me with respect.
I've written about Brighton, NY Police Officer Mark Skidmore before on my blog.
In a piece titled "Community Policing 101: Brighton, NY Police Officer Mark Skidmore", I wrote about Officer Skidmore being a throwback to the old beat cop.
Officer Skidmore has always treated me and my family professionally and with respect, including going out of his way to stop and say hello to my children, and even giving my daughter coupons for free ice cream, making sure to give her enough coupons for her brothers.
Then there's Brighton, NY Police officers like Lieutenant Mike DeSain, a true gentleman who has always treated me with respect.
Also, Brighton, NY Police Officer James DeNero who like myself, is a boxing fan.
Brighton, NY Police Officers Jeffrey Hoffman, Stephen Hunt, Taylor Barth, Julie Knutowicz, Sgt. Walter Bruzda, Sgt. Chris Wagner, Lisa Hillier, and Sgt. Allison Laubacher. (who by the way is one of the hottest female cops I've ever seen.. :)
While they may not necessarily be fans of my work, each one of them has always respected me and treated me professionally.
Even Brighton, NY Police Chief Mark Henderson, has always treated me with respect.
Can't forget Brighton, NY Police Officer Kosakowski, whose video telling me that he fully supports the First Amendment Right to Record, is one of my all time favorite videos.
And now you can add another name to the list of professional Brighton, NY Police officers.
Officer Marcus Capeder.
Click on the link below to watch my video as I approach Brighton, NY Police Officer Capeder outside a 7-11 Friday night.
Not only is Officer Capeder courteous and professional, but he's also a supporter of the right to record.
On top of that, Officer Capeder embodies the true protect and "SERVE" aspect of law enforcement, something which has gone by the wayside in today's revenue generating ticket quotas.
Watch how Officer Capeder tells me he's on his way to help a stranded motorist stuck in the snow, even though he's off his shift.
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